The first step to health

Because our rapidly evolving world is undermining our understanding of ourselves and reality, almost everyone is suffering isolation, nihilism, and confusion, or worse. Permanently ending the disorders associated with the dissolution of self, world involves the dismantling our current worldview and the construction of a weatherproof mental house capable of withstanding the most challenging experiential and informational storms. This mental house will serve as a stabilizing and orienting existential framework, and a cognitive structure protecting our psyche, so it needs to it needs to be as sound and as durable as possible. The recommendation is to use the structure provided below because it is absolutely inclusive, meaning it covers everything, and because it’s been thoroughly tested, but we’re free to build and inhabit anything we’d like as long as it supports a desired state. However, any house not strongly aligned with an objective and existing reality will require an exhausting amount of energy to maintain in a world where subversive information and reality obliterating experiences are impossible to avoid.


A Mental House is made of five parts that build on one another to create a cognitive structure capable of supporting a resilient and blissful existence in any conceivable world.




Adopting a completely skeptical view clears the mind and creates a perfect terrain for building new mental structures.



If we’re building a mental house, a psychological and intuitive structure, we are the ones that should inhabit it, but what many of us will find when we inspect our current dwelling, is that an invited guest called our self-concept has taken over and we’re no longer welcome.

Holding an absolutely inclusive and unified view of reality creates a solid foundation for existence, and it settles the mind’s incessant questioning and scrutiny, a function that if left unchecked will eventually undermine all limited and bounded things.

Because our minds need an explanation for what we know, our canopy needs to be as broad as our world and needs to be both rational and satisfactory in terms of its ability to describe the subjective experience.







We’re experiencing an individuated life so we must erect exclusionary barriers to support a subjective ideal, but we must also acknowledge and account for a shared/inhabited environment if we are to achieve that ideal.

When it comes to building a home that can survive an increasingly dynamic world, accepting what’s been built, and living well within our new structure will be our biggest challenges. Creating a mental house independently can be daunting and unsettling if you’re not familiar with deconstructing and reconstructing reality, but I recommend anyone that feels the need to try, at least once. To get you started I have a guide outlining some tips and suggestions on what’s need to build a safe and habitable dwelling, and it can also serve as a benchmark or reference for your self-directed efforts. For those that desire guidance, there are free videos on YouTube, free downloads, scheduled livestreams/webinars/Discord chats, exclusive content for members, and self-paced courses to help.