Existential Rehab


Fully understanding and accepting this philosophy completely resolves the three main struggles with awakening, loss of identity, loss of significance to one’s efforts, and a loss of connection to one’s supporting environment. Lessons, knowledge, and insights gained from living the philosophy have been systematized and grouped into three phases, application, integration, and embodiment. Beginning with an accessible and powerful course on the point of existence and how to live a purposeful life, you’ll learn how to eradicate nihilism, dread, and idleness by cultivating an unshakeable sense of meaning. In the second course we’ll work to understand and resolve the main issue facing our species, the limiting and obscuring nature of an unhealthy mind. The second and third courses will completely unseat your understanding of self and your current view of reality, so they’re only recommended for people with those with capable and caring support systems, or those with few obligations or responsibilities to others. Anyone can take the second course, but the last one is exclusively for the relentlessly curious and the truly desperate, meaning participants will be screened and hand selected. My hope is that I can help you find a way to live well in this world without needing the last course, but if you must see and know, you must.

One can approach understanding and assimilating this philosophy on their own and in any way they wish, but the recommendation is to follow this system because it should offer the most effective and efficient approach for most people. If you are capable of changing your mind based on information, sound arguments, and experiential proof, you can make use of what is being offered.


The most powerful thing a human can possess is an orienting and empowering meaning for their existence, and the next most powerful is an understanding of what’s right for them to do with their life, something we call purpose. In this course we will come to understand that all “things” share the same meaning, and we’ll learn that no two things can share the exact same purpose. With detailed explanations, hours of video instruction, and exercises to help cement the lessons learned, upon completion you will be invigorated and strengthened by your new perspective on life, and you will be on your way to transforming your entire existence, if you desire.

  • Understanding

  • Existential Navigation

  • Self-knowledge


Almost every human alive is suffering a parasitic infection, one where their self concept has been given so much attention and energy that it’s partially or fully hijacked their life. Making matters worse, the people we turn to for assistance struggle to ease our pain and guide us to a better life because they operate from a flawed theory of mind. To address our lack of support, we need to understand and adopt a radical new theory of mind, and we need to build skill with our mental organ. This course uses a combination of theory and practice to facilitate acceptance and integration, and to strengthen the mind through mind through various techniques like attention training and mental distancing.

  • Experientially congruent theory of mind that grants us an identity and an understanding of our existence.

  • Here, we’ll learn to use emotion and feeling wisely, and we’ll find our way to unsubvertible esteem, worth, and identity.

  • Mental Fitness: Exterminate the mental parasite, Eradicate disease, Vaccinate against new infections


The relentless seeker will not be satisfied until they’ve seen beyond all limitations, and a person incapable of finding congruence with the world will suffer until they find the true cause of their affliction. For both the seeker and the sufferer, the only permanent resolution is transcending the mind and the “self”. Transcendence can be achieved in limitless ways and at any given moment, but until a person understands exactly how they’re preventing it, there’s almost no chance of it happening. In this last and final step, instead of a traditional course we’ll engage in a dialogue that will push you closer and closer to the edge of limit of your mind until you see the issue and the solution.