My name is Lex, and because labels help us make sense of things, you can think of me as an Ethicist, an introspectionist, and a self-realized/self-transcendent human. I’ve been questioning and investigating this reality since my earliest memory, and I’ve been silently working on an approach for ethical decision making and a subjectively right existence for most of my adult life. After years of self-investigation and after years of trying and failing to communicate insights and truths from my transcendent perspective, my efforts/struggle yielded an experiential model of the mind and a Philosophical System so complete that it permanently alters one’s perception of reality (if understood).


  • This is for those looking for immediate and satisfying answers to life’s deepest and toughest questions.

  • For those that would like to self-direct the maintenance of their mental health or their spiritual development but need a little guidance, and it’s also for people willing and able to hear the unfiltered truth.

  • This philosophy is for anyone seeking to facilitate individual, local, or broad change because it illuminates the reality underpinning every problem and crisis, and it supports a broadly agreeable approach to a disparate array of issues and challenges.

I encourage a critical examination of our beliefs/values which can be upsetting and destabilizing. Understanding what I'm saying and making use of my advice requires self-investigation, introspection, and exploration of challenging existential questions, including questions involving one’s true nature and the nature of reality. Emotional resilience, mental fortitude, and open-mindedness are essentials, but there will be assistance offered to those in need of exercises and training.


  • As an Ethicist, I advocate for the adoption of liberation from “the need for a world” as a species wide aim for the development of civilization and the technology.

  • As a Philosopher, I disseminate insight and advice from the perspective of my absolutely inclusive philosophical system (everything can be understood through the system). Once understood, the five branches of the system act as a cognitive framework providing the necessary structure and support for a healthy mind. With the mind strengthened and reoriented with right action and a transcendent perspective,

  • As a Mystic, I guide people to the clarity, strength, and a deeper understanding of themselves and existence through a compassionate and challenging dialogue/monologue.

I am not special, just uncommonly afflicted

Born with a mind so vivid it’s practically habitable, my ability to question developed far enough before my capacity to articulate my thoughts and concerns that I retreated into a world built by my hyperphantasic mental organ. Possessing tactile thoughts and images, I would suffer intensely anytime my mental picture of reality became misaligned with information or experience. Eventually, an obsession with maintaining a coherent mental picture and an addiction to the pleasure associated with resolving my dissonance began to form.

Because knowledge and experience helped soothe my pain, I was driven to learn everything that seemed relevant enough to ease or end it. Supported by an unshakeable sense of worth, an irrational confidence in my abilities, and a meditation technique I’d been using since age 9, I peeled back layer after layer of what I knew to be the world until I found myself isolated, alone in my perspective. A nihilistic existence in an irrational world was fully embraced after learning more about the philosophy and experiences of people like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Immanuel Kant, and John Rawls during an ethics class required for my MBA program. For the first time I was aware of what seemed like universally agreeable approaches to life and a better world, but I was also aware that their philosophies and ethics had failed to impact most minds.

Although I was incapable of reconciling actual reality with the potential I knew to be available, I tried adopting a stoic attitude toward a meaningless and painful life for nearly three years, and then I encountered the British thinker Alan Watts and an unsolvable conundrum. By describing the ineffectiveness of action and the cessation of action as a path to a deeper and truer understanding, Watt’s would surface one of my earliest challenges and failures, seeing beyond the limits of the mind. With a quarter century of meditation behind me, I intuitively knew the puzzle could only be solved while in a contemplative state, so that’s where I began spending more and more time. Plagued by something I couldn’t assimilate or reconcile, I spent months stilling my mind with hope of gaining some insight until one night in the Spring of 2014 I became desperate enough to risk my life for knowledge. My suffering ended abruptly and comically, but I could still feel the agony and confusion surrounding me, so I now do my best to share the lessons learned and to help others find a blissful life as soon as possible.